Digital Storytelling of teacher

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Digital Storytelling of teacher von Mind Map: Digital Storytelling of teacher

1. To positively impact the future of our world

1.1. to be satisfied

1.2. well-rounded human beings

2. To live with a deep sense of purpose

2.1. opportunities to build a student’s self-concept

2.2. help shape a dream

2.3. provide redirection

2.4. impart knowledge and wisdom

3. discovery true calling

3.1. explore with students

3.2. reearch

3.3. teach compassion

3.4. spend time with youngsters

4. To experience personal growth

4.1. Teaching reflects me

4.2. reflection good for  me

5. To inspire generations of change

5.1. ‘There’s nothing to it but to do it.’”

6. Enjoy Interpersonal Interaction

7. Working with children

8. Elementary/middle/specialchildren school teacher

9. encouraging children

10. Helping Chilldren

11. Enjoy Lots of Vacation

11.1. some schools have moved to a year-round schedule

11.2. couple of months off in the summer

11.3. flexiable time with family