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1. The company/ The firm

1.1. The status of a company

1.1.1. A family business

1.1.2. A limited company

1.1.3. Limited Liability

1.1.4. A partnership

1.2. A co-Worker/ a colleague

1.3. An employee

1.4. An executive

1.5. A head of department

2. An intern/ A trainee/ A work placement/ An internship

2.1. To assist someone in...

2.2. To be accountable for...

2.3. To becme an intern/ a trainee

2.4. To be efficient/ Inneficent

2.5. To be/feel exploited

3. An application

3.1. A fee = a specific amount of money

3.2. To be available for

3.3. To be hired as an intern

3.4. To have more/fewer chances

3.5. To resort to an intermediary

4. Experience

4.1. To be offered a job/ to get a job

4.1.1. (To benefit from) a training/ a training course

4.1.2. To be hired as a permanent employee

4.2. To be in chargeof...

4.3. To carry out a poject

4.4. to make decision about/converning

4.5. To manage (a department/ a team)

4.6. To get/have sills (communication skills/ organisation skills...)