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Autism von Mind Map: Autism

1. o Impact the behaviors have on the student’s academic achievement in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening: Children with Autism are affected in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They tend to have repetitive habits, and specific interests that may make it hard to focus on academic areas. Most children with autism do not like to socialize and therefore are not able to significantly improve their speaking  skills. Their writing and listening skills are also affected because their minds are tightly focused on their own interests, rather than the academic areas at hand.

2. o Three assessment tools that could be used to verify a student’s behavioral and learning abilities: A comprehensive assessment with an SLP will incorporate a families perspective into the assessment. Within a comprehensive assessment, an SLP will also perform a speech and language assessment. Also within a comprehensive assessment an SLP performs a dynamic assessment that will determine the individuals skills and learning potential.

3. o Three instructional strategies that could be used to provide effective accommodations or adaptations: 1) Foreshadow changes in schedules. Make it visual by using a symbol or writing it down. 2) Match Student work time to their performance time. If they are able to attend a task for approximately 15 minutes have that much work for them to do, not a lot more or less. 3) Use alternatives to writing in order to demonstrate competence. Use magnetic words/letters, word processing device, dictating responses, or use symbols.

4. o A link to a website of a professional organization that focuses on providing educators detailed information:

5. o Behavior that will be observable in a classroom environment: Incorporating Social Stories into lesson plans for students will provide students with Autism a solution to inappropriate behavior in the classroom. Teachers and one-on-one aides will be able to observe whether or not the Social Story was effective, and then plan accordingly afterwards.