Tips For Test Taking

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Tips For Test Taking von Mind Map: Tips For Test Taking

1. Answer the easy questions first

1.1. Make a note of questions you need to come back to

1.2. Leave enough time for sections with essays

2. If you feel yourself starting to panic or go blank, stop whatever you are doing

2.1. Skip question that trigger your anxiety

2.2. Take a deep breath, you know the material and will do well

3. Try to answer each question, even if you can only provide a partial answer

3.1. Provide as much information that you can remember

4. If you finish early, don't leave immediately

4.1. Stay and check your work for errors and reread directions one last time

5. Write your name on the test

5.1. Or your student ID number

6. Look over the whole test and stay calm

6.1. Carefully read all directions before beginning

6.2. Be confident and don't panic

7. Make the best use of your time

7.1. Spend more time on questions worth more points

7.2. Review test and set time limits for each question

8. Jot down idea starters before the test

8.1. Write down formula, definitions or major ideas If it is OK with your instructor to do so

8.2. Turn test paper over first