E-Learning Activity Idea's

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E-Learning Activity Idea's von Mind Map: E-Learning Activity Idea's

1. Animals

1.1. Match word to picture

1.2. visit farm - video to teach children facts about animals

1.3. pdf - information repeated in words

1.4. quiz - test knowledge

2. Puzzles

3. Seasons of the year

4. Phonics

4.1. video of teacher saying and pronouncing the phonics.

5. How to send an Email

5.1. screen recording

5.1.1. video on how to create a email

5.2. PDF - how to send a email

5.2.1. word document - everything you need to know

5.3. quiz - order of making a email

5.3.1. Kahoot

6. World War 1/2

7. Alphabet

7.1. match letters with object e.g. A is for Apple

7.2. Game - Matching Pairs

8. Food Groups

8.1. Healthy eating

8.1.1. Fats

8.1.2. Fruit and Vegetables

8.1.3. Meat, Fish and alternatives

8.1.4. Milk and dairy products

8.1.5. Bread, other cereals and potatoes

8.2. Food Chart

8.3. Food Pyramid

8.4. Quiz - Test them which food go in each category

8.5. Quiz - What is a balanced diet?

9. Counting from 1-5

9.1. Using Abacus

9.2. video using fingers to count

9.3. Use 2doit Yourself programme to create learning activity

10. Timetables

11. Days of the week

12. Facts about the Uk

12.1. smart note book

12.1.1. Task to click on map to revel information about UK.

12.2. Quiz - how much they've learnt

12.3. Teacher video pointing at map and revealing facts