I/O Channel And Precessors

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I/O Channel And Precessors von Mind Map: I/O Channel And Precessors

1. I/O channel architecture

1.1. 1. Selector

1.2. 2. Multiplexor

2. Definition

2.1. channel I/O is a high-performance input/output (I/O) architecture that is implemented in various forms on a number of computer architectures, especially on mainframe computers. In the past, channels were generally implemented with custom processors, variously named channel, peripheral processor, I/O processor, I/O controller, or DMA controller.

3. Evolution of I/O Function

3.1. 1. The CPU directly control a peripheral device.

3.2. 2. A controller or I/O uses programmed I/O module is added.

3.3. 3. Interrupts are employed. The CPU need to spend time waiting for an I/O operation to be performed to increasing efficiently.

3.4. 4. I/O module direct access to memory via DMA. It now can move a block of data to or from memory without involving CPU.

3.5. 5. I/O module enchanced to processor with a specialized instruction set tailored for I/O.

3.6. 6. I/O module has a local memory of its own with this architecture of I/O device can be controlled with minimal CPU.