Video Games

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Video Games von Mind Map: Video Games

1. The business of video games

1.1. Explore the world of the video game industry.

1.2. The companies that make video games are the fastest growing companies ever

1.3. Global sales of video game software hit almost $17 billion U.S. in 2011.

2. Where is the equity

2.1. Assuming what girls and boys like so its stereotypical.

2.2. Making fun of peoples gender, race, color of skin and age.

2.3. Making women in video games that are rated M or A look very inappropriate.

3. Recommendations for appropriate play

3.1. Always look at the rating before you let your child play the video game.

3.2. Do not buys the game if the cover looks inappropriate.

4. Advantages to video games

4.1. Communicate with people around the world.

4.2. Helps get rid of stress

4.3. Informs everyone about the digital world.

5. Concerns about video games

5.1. Kids won't stop until they beat the game

5.2. Sometimes they won't have any communication skills.

5.3. Kids will develop violence, aggression and misbehavior.

6. Understanding the Rating System

6.1. Younger kids don't care about the rating system so they can buy a video game that's rated M for Mature 17+ or A for Adults only 18+

6.2. Parents will buy any game for their children without looking at the ratings.