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Humans of Troy von Mind Map: Humans of Troy

1. Materials / Resources

1.1. Good Quality Camera: Mr. Hansen

1.2. Something to Record Audio With: Mr. Hansen

2. Questions to Ask

2.1. What's one of the craziest things that's happened to you?

2.2. When was a time you struggled in your life, and how did you overcome it?

2.3. What's your philosophy on life?

2.4. What's your story, like how did you get to here?

3. Programs to use of this

3.1. Google Slides

3.2. Google Docs

3.3. Pixlr Photo Editor

3.4. Photoshop

4. Interviewing teachers

4.1. Dr. Haarer

4.1.1. Computer Programming Teacher Grades 11 - 12

4.2. Mr. Hayes

4.2.1. English Teacher Grade 11

4.3. Ms. Hull

4.3.1. French Teacher Grades 9 - 11

4.4. Ms. Spring / Kuhn

4.4.1. Forensics Teacher Grade 12

4.5. Mrs. Ladopoulos

4.5.1. English Teacher Grade 9

5. Interviewing students

5.1. Steven Kataoka

5.2. Giorgian Borca-Tasciuc

5.3. Summayah Sarjumohaden

5.4. Alexis Papadakis

5.5. Veronica Bystroff

5.6. Alex Borca-Tasciuc

5.7. Scott Smith

5.8. Anthony Thompson

6. Interviewing faculty

6.1. Custodians

6.1.1. The one male custodian (don't know his name)

6.1.2. The one female custodian (don't know her name either)

6.2. Hall Monitors

6.2.1. Sal

6.2.2. Pat The one woman who hangs around Pat (Also don't know her name)

6.2.3. Vic

6.2.4. (Black) Pete

6.3. Bruce's intern, Tori

6.4. Principals

6.4.1. Mr. McShane

6.4.2. Mr. Muriano