The happy secret to better work

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The happy secret to better work von Mind Map: The happy secret to better work

1. Formula of success

1.1. Traveled to 45 countries

1.2. Worked with many different schools and comapnies

1.3. Noticed that most of schools and companies follow formula of success

1.3.1. I work harder I will be more successful and then I will be happier

1.4. Which most of the parenting style and motivators is based on

1.4.1. You got good grades now u have to get better and it goes on like this

2. As officer

2.1. No matter how happy student were in getting into the school after two weeks it all changes to competition

2.2. Was asked to present or talk in most prestigious school in England

3. Shawn Achor

3.1. Harvard Graduate

3.2. Studied sience of happiness

3.3. Officer to counsel students

4. Reversing the formula

4.1. Dopamine which floods into our system

4.1.1. Makes us happiers

4.1.2. Makes us adapt to the world in different way

4.2. Training our brain

4.2.1. Two minutes of positivty

4.2.2. 21 days in row

4.2.3. Writing what we are grateful for

4.2.4. Three new things everyday

4.3. Results

4.3.1. Brain starts to scan the world in different way

4.3.2. Not seeing things as negative instead as positive first

5. Our brains

5.1. Brains work in the opposite order of formula of success

5.2. If positivity level raises our brain experiences what we nowadays call (happiness advantage)

5.3. Happiness advantage

5.3.1. Smarter

5.3.2. More accurate

5.3.3. Creativity increases