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Training von Mind Map: Training

1. What is Confidence

1.1. Feelings of Lack of Confidence

1.1.1. Self-Doubt

1.1.2. Fear

1.1.3. Playing Small or Safe

1.2. Feelings of Confidence

1.2.1. Bold

1.2.2. Secure

1.2.3. Energized

1.2.4. Competent

1.2.5. Valued

1.3. What people think it is

1.3.1. I don't care what people think

1.3.2. Arrogance

1.3.3. Obnoxious

1.3.4. Superiority

1.4. What confidence isn't

1.4.1. Lack of Fear

1.4.2. Opposite of Fear

1.4.3. Feeling Superiority

1.5. What is Confidence

1.5.1. Feeling of Certainty

1.5.2. Certainty in one's abilities & character

1.6. Contributors

1.6.1. Self-Awareness Values Prioritized Values Personal Integrity Living in line with highest values Cultivating Skills Qualities

1.7. Doubtful Self-Narrative to look out for

1.7.1. "I could never do that"

1.7.2. "I don't know If I can"

1.7.3. "What if I can't?"

1.7.4. "When they chose me, they chose wrong"

1.7.5. "What if I mess up?"