Technology Standard for Education

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Technology Standard for Education von Mind Map: Technology Standard for Education

1. ISTE Standard for Teachers 2008

1.1. Design Learning Experiences

1.1.1. Customize activities to meet students' learning styles

1.1.2. Use new updated technologies with students

1.2. Model Collaborative Work

1.2.1. Engage in learning with students and colleagues

1.3. Model Use of Digital Tools

1.3.1. Knowledgable in the nature of technology

1.3.2. Equipped in the proper use of technology

1.4. Digital Citizenship

1.4.1. Teachers exhibiting ethical behaviour

1.4.2. Model cultural understanding using technology

1.4.3. Teach safe & legal use of technology

1.5. Professional Growth

1.5.1. Teachers up to date on what's current in technology

1.5.2. Giving students technology rich learning environment

2. Learning and Technology Policy Framework

2.1. Student Centred

2.1.1. Students taught to develop, test & refine prototypes

2.2. Infrastructure

2.2.1. Provide updated devices & peripherals to students and teachers

2.3. Research

2.3.1. Teachers needing to stay current with Ed. Tech research

2.4. Professional Learning

2.4.1. Training on how to engage in learning with students & colleagues

2.5. Leadership

2.5.1. Incorporate technology use across divisions 1-4

2.5.2. Revise & update education plans

3. ICT Program of Studies

3.1. Communication

3.1.1. Communicate with various audience

3.2. Foundation

3.2.1. Gain knowledge around the use & nature of technology

3.3. Processes

3.3.1. Knowledgable of basic technology tools & techniques

3.4. Across All Divisions

3.4.1. Taught appropriate use of technology

3.5. Curriculum

3.5.1. Covers Division 1-4

3.5.2. Use the right curriculum to meet students' learning style

4. ISTE standard for students 2016

4.1. Knowledge Constructor

4.1.1. Curate resources using technology tools & techniques

4.2. Innovative Designer

4.2.1. Develop prototypes

4.2.2. Select the right tools to arrive at a solution, given a technology rich environment

4.3. Global Collaborator

4.3.1. Communicate global & local issues

4.3.2. Use technology to collaborate with others (teachers, peers) & globally

4.4. Digital Citizenship

4.4.1. Interact on line socially in a positive manner

4.4.2. Manage personal data to maintain privacy & security