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Cats Galore von Mind Map: Cats Galore

1. About

1.1. The About page will provide more information about Cats Galore as well as include the founders of the website, so people who view the site can put a face to the page.

1.1.1. Graphic Design/QR Codes: I will create a flyer of Cats Galore that gives a basic overview of the website.

1.1.2. Screencast: I will provide a screencast on how to navigate through each section of this website and describe the purpose of each page.

2. Kitty Care

2.1. The Kitty Care page will include tips for grooming, eating habits, mind stimulation, etc.

2.1.1. Digital Photo Editing: I will use digital photo editing to enhance the kitty care pictures.

2.1.2. Social Media: I will provide the link to the Instagram account pertaining to cats, because this account will also have posts about tips for grooming, meals, etc.

3. Donate

3.1. The Donate page will include kitties' favorite cat organizations with a vivid description to each organization. On this page, viewers will be given the opportunity to donate money to the top favorite organizations provided.

3.1.1. QR Codes: A QR code will be provided for each of Cats Galore's top favorite cat organizations to donate to so viewers can easily navigate and save the hassle of typing out the full URL.

4. Forum/ Contact

4.1. The Forum page will be a place for cat owners, potential cat owners, or anyone who may be interested can communicate freely with each other about anything pertaining to cats.

4.1.1. App Prototype: I will create an app prototype that allows users: To donate to Cats Galore's favorite cat organizations, to communicate with other cat lovers, to find specific information on a specific cat breed, to find health remedies both homemade and store bought, to find the specific care needs of their cat or cat they're interested in getting, and to find cute photos of different cat breeds.

5. Gallery

5.1. The Gallery page will provide various cute pictures of different cat breeds for the viewer's entertainment.

5.1.1. Social Media: I will include a link to an Instagram account that pertains to strictly kitties. This Instagram profile will basically include more cute photos of cats as well as cat related posts for cat lovers.

5.1.2. Digital Photo Editing: I will use digital editing to enhance the pictures of the cats in the Gallery page.

6. Home

6.1. The Home page will be just a brief overview of Cats Galore. The most important information will be provided on this page to grab the attention of my viewers so they want to continue to navigate through the site.

6.1.1. Logo: I will include the Cats Galore logo on every page of the website.

6.1.2. Photo Editing: I will use photo editing to enhance pictures of adorable cats of different breeds.

6.1.3. Google Form: A Google form survey pop-up will be provided to ask how the viewer feels about the website through a series of survey questions.

6.1.4. Video Or Animations: I will use an animation that will allow sub-categories of my site to be accessed by clicking an arrow; revolving the categories.

7. Breeds

7.1. The Breeds page will include every cat breed known to man. This page will also include information about each cat (i.e. the cat's personality, compatibility with humans, etc).

7.1.1. Digital Photo Editing: Digital photo editing will be used to enhance the picture of each cat breed.

8. Health and Wellness

8.1. The Health and Wellness page will include the common and uncommon illnesses that a cat could potentially go through, as well as various methods to keep your cat healthy (including cost efficient solutions for cat owners on a budget).

8.1.1. Piktochart: Infographics will be used to display information on the steps to be taken when creating home medicine remedies

9. Cats Galore Tagline: Cats is where it's at!