Pierre Danielle, 10 years from now

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Pierre Danielle, 10 years from now von Mind Map: Pierre Danielle, 10 years from now

1. Goals

1.1. Still travelling all over the world

1.2. Tries something daring every once a month

1.3. Get another degree

2. As a 27 year-old

2.1. Plays jazz music at a random bar as a hobby

2.2. Still working on retirement plans for my parents

2.3. Reads books in parks

3. Achievements

3.1. Earned a second chair in an orchestra for playing the violin

3.2. Earned a doctorate in U.P.

3.3. Gets invited to sing on different occasions

4. Family

4.1. Newly Married

4.1.1. Still causing havoc to my husband

4.1.2. Still on the family planning process

4.2. Settled down somewhere in Germany

5. Career

5.1. Already a college professor

5.2. Still shouting at my actors while directing stage plays

5.3. Wrote (and published) over a dozen books, making readers cry because of tragedies.