Ashish Gauba's Map of Choices

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Ashish Gauba's Map of Choices von Mind Map: Ashish Gauba's Map of Choices

1. Architect

1.1. Very interested in buildings

1.2. I want to design a famous bulding

1.3. Enjoy physics

1.4. Enjoy math

1.5. Used to build structures with LEGO from scratch

1.6. Pays well

2. Computer Programmer

2.1. Enjoy programming

2.2. Like problem solving

2.3. Pays well

2.4. Like computers

2.5. Have built computer

2.6. Taking grade 11 programming course this year

3. Chef

3.1. Love cooking

3.2. Fun hobby

3.3. Allows me to be creative and inventive

3.4. Unstable career path

3.5. Could own my own restaurant and be my own boss

4. Engineer

4.1. Interested in building things

4.2. Enjoy learning how things work

4.3. Like to take things apart and attempt to put them back together

4.4. Enjoy chemistry

4.5. Enjoy physics

4.6. Uses math which I enjoy

4.7. Pays well

4.8. Parents want me to be

5. Police Officer(when is was 5)

5.1. Thought they were cool when I was younger

5.2. Every day is differenct

5.3. Want to stop people who commit crimes

5.4. Parents felt it was unsafe

5.5. I now feel being a police officer is frightening and dangerous

6. Astronaut

6.1. Have always been fascinated by space

6.2. Enjoy physics

6.3. Enjoy math

6.4. Enjoy astronomy

6.5. Space exploration is very dangerous

6.6. Physically demanding(gravity shift)