Slick reactsphere

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Slick reactsphere von Mind Map: Slick reactsphere

1. Actions

1.1. 1. Finish activator application

1.1.1. PR

1.2. 2. Trim down slick 101 presentation

1.3. 3. Slides for unicorn part

1.4. Nice to have - beholder

1.5. Find common stack problems

2. Areas

2.1. Slick basics

2.1.1. 15-20 min

2.2. Common problems

2.2.1. stack overflow

2.3. play-slick

2.3.1. 5 min

2.4. Unicorn

2.4.1. 15 min

3. Other things to show

3.1. unicorn activator

3.2. unicorn base dao

3.3. junction-table

3.4. typesafe id

3.5. slick - akka stream