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1. 7. About 20% of those who register will show up on your webinars LIVE on Zoom. We expect about 60% of them to come to a recorded webinar (we use Stealth Seminar to do automated webinars). You should do your webinars live first to test them and gain confidence and once you have a well converting one, automate it by recording it and running it consistently for people to watch every day with Stealth.

2. 8. On the live webinar, you present the webinar according to our webinar flow and pitch your "Breakthrough Call" at the end. Give them a link directly to your booking calendar in Acuity Calendar. Nothing else is pitched or promoted on the webinar (

3. 2. Invites to Click and Register for your Webinar

4. 4. Opt in Page sends your lead info to your Email Service Provider (Aweber, Mailchimp, Ontraport, etc) where the information is stored to your email list and emails are sent out automatically.

5. 6. At the time of the webinar your registrant clicks on the link in their Confirmation Email from you to attend the live (or recorded) webinar. Live webinars are hosted at a specific date and time. We like to use Zoom for live webinars.

6. 9. If all goes well, expect about 20% of them to book a Call with you.

7. 3. Links to your Opt in Page (Leadpage, Clickfunnels Page, Landing Page, etc. It's all the same) This page collects first name and email address.

8. 5. Your Email Service Provider sends your Confirmation Email, reminders, and follow up emails after the webinar.

9. 1. Facebook Ad

10. 10. Host the calls according to our Sales Script and enroll approximately 30% of your Calls or more. On your Sales Calls, you can sell anything: 1:1 Program, Group Program, Intensive Days, Courses, etc. Sales Calls are the live blood of your business. You are not selling through email where people click on your page and buy your programs. You are selling HIGH END programs, which sell best through in person selling. For sales calls, CALL YOUR LEADS over the phone. Take 20 - 30 sales calls a month and enroll as many clients as you can handle or desire into any program you like. If you have a 1:1 and a group program you can decide which one is the better fit for the lead on the phone. Later on you can hire a Sales Team to do the calls for you.