Educational Science

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Educational Science von Mind Map: Educational Science

1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

1.1. Tne novel Emile,the story of the education of a young boy.

1.2. Within his novel,he described the importance of having a focus on both environment and personal experience.

1.3. Different learning stages are described

2. Comenius

2.1. The Visible World in Pictures

2.2. Father of Modern Education

2.2.1. Advocated the formal education of women.

2.2.2. Well respected throught northem Europe

2.3. Education began in the earliest days of childhood and continued throughout life.

3. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

3.1. The importance of providing a loving family type environment in which the child can grow and flourish naturally.

3.2. Since knowledge has within human beings,the purpose of teaching is to find the way to unfold that hidden knowledge.

3.3. Pestalozien expanded the elementary school curriculum to include geography,natural science,fine art,and music.

4. Johann Freidrich Herbart

4.1. Herbart believed that a science of education was possible based on this views of philosophy

4.2. Establishment and acceptance of pedagogy as an academic discipline studied on the university level.

4.3. Universal Pedagogy

4.3.1. 1.Preparation

4.3.2. 2.Presentation

4.3.3. 3.Association

4.3.4. 4.Generalization

4.3.5. 5.Application