Mathematics in Kindergarten

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Mathematics in Kindergarten von Mind Map: Mathematics in Kindergarten

1. Geometry

1.1. Shape- representing objects. Recognizes and names shapes lise circle, square or triangles.

1.2. Putting together shapes- shapes can be decomposed and composed that will make other shapes or objects.

2. Classification and Graphing

2.1. Data analysis: answering and asking questions

2.2. Initially learn to sort object and quantity groups

3. Make Connectios

3.1. We need connections to make math understandable.

3.2. Support Play with things like blocks, Legos, and other objects that invite math thinking.

4. Kindergarten Math Keys

4.1. Beginning operations such as counting, subittizing, comparing and ordering, adding to/taking away, putting together and taking apart numbers, and shape

4.2. Measurement: measure with meaning through experience. Use vocab: Length, longer, shorter, equal

4.3. Patterns: helps bring order and predictability. Musical patterns, visual patterns and object patterns.

5. Use Appropriate Technology

5.1. Computer programs and currennt apps for children are useful in teaching math. Computers can individualize instruction.

5.2. Online computer games can be very intriguing and motivating to kindergarten students. Research shows that they complement other hands on activities in the class room to increase learning