European revolution of 1848

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European revolution of 1848 von Mind Map: European revolution of 1848

1. German parliament

1.1. Constitutional reform and German confederation

2. The Hungarian magyar kingdom

2.1. A powerful and somewhat martial people Migrated

2.2. Into the carpathian basin

2.3. Ottoman empire

2.3.1. Associated with the kingdom of Hungary

3. The Austrian authorities

3.1. Abolished the pervasive censorship of the press

4. Jhrujh

5. Difficult to receive customary tax revenue

5.1. Social and political reform

6. The defeat of napoleon

6.1. Brought a French revolutionary and napoleonic period of turmoil

7. Traditionally organized

7.1. Constitutionalism, liberalism, and nationalism

7.2. An increase in population, foodstuffs, housing and employment

8. Disease and economic conditions

8.1. Outbreaks Of hunger related fever