CH.2 Ebusiness Technology Basics

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CH.2 Ebusiness Technology Basics von Mind Map: CH.2 Ebusiness Technology Basics

1. Development of Hypertext

1.1. Hypertext Server

1.1.1. Stores HTML files

1.1.2. Computers connect & read files

1.2. Web Servers (Today)

1.2.1. Hypertext servers used on the Web

1.3. HTML

1.3.1. set of codes (tags) attached to text

1.4. Hypertext Link (Hyperlink)

1.4.1. Points to another location

1.4.2. Same or another HTML document

2. World Wide Web

2.1. Easy way to access Internet information

2.2. Netscape is the first search engine

3. Hypertext Markup Language

3.1. Hypertext elements

3.1.1. Text elements related to each other

3.2. HTML

3.2.1. Create Web documents

3.3. HTML Extensions

3.3.1. Features that work in specific Web browsers

3.4. HTML Tags

3.4.1. Format text display

3.4.2. Enclosed with <>

3.5. Opening Tag & Closing Tag

3.5.1. Format text between them

3.6. Closing Tag

3.6.1. </>

3.7. One-sided Tag

3.7.1. Use opening tag only

3.8. Two-sided Tag

3.8.1. Closing tag position very important

4. Extensible Markup Language

4.1. Strength of XML

4.1.1. Users may define their own tags

4.2. XML files not Intended to Display in Browser

4.2.1. XSL contains formatting instructions

4.3. XML Parsers

4.3.1. Format XML file for device screen

5. Internet2 & the Semantic Web

5.1. Internet2

5.1.1. Replacement for original ARPANET laboratory

5.1.2. High end of the bandwidth spectrum (10Gbps)

5.1.3. Used by Universities, medical schools, CERN

5.2. Semantic Web

5.2.1. Uses software agents Read XML tags, determine meaning of words in their contexts

5.2.2. Resource Description Framework (RDF) Set of XML syntax standards

6. Internet & The World Wide Web

6.1. Internet

6.1.1. Interconnected global computer networks (I), group of interconnected computer networks (i)

6.2. World Wide Web (Web)

6.2.1. Subset of internet computers

7. Growth of the Internet

7.1. 1991

7.1.1. Further easing of commercial internet activity restrictions

7.2. 1995

7.2.1. Privatization of the Internet

7.3. Network Access Providers

7.3.1. Sell internet access rights directly to larger customers

7.3.2. Use ISPs

7.4. Internet Hosts

7.4.1. Directly connected computers