The European revolutions of 1848

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The European revolutions of 1848 von Mind Map: The European revolutions of 1848

1. france

1.1. unpopular mocarch

1.2. people fslt disenfranchised as only one in two hundred could vote

1.3. government banned protests or banquets

1.4. people killer soldiers

1.5. prime minister and monarch left office

1.6. placed in a provisional government

1.7. socialists gather in paris

2. austria

2.1. hungarian king says hungarian needs to be spoken more

2.2. german and latin is no longer used

2.3. other groups in austria resisted the language change in favor of their own language

2.4. demands were made by people to austria such as free pres eaquality with disregard for social class and the creation of a national guard

2.5. students and citizens of vienna protested for liberaisation

2.6. soldiers were sent in to control crowds and crowds were fired upon leaving a couple citizens

2.7. people of austria were upset that military force had been used

2.8. Austrians grant free press to people

3. causes

3.1. poor grain harvest

3.2. outbreak of disease

3.3. unemployment

3.4. authoritities did not have as much tax money

3.5. new pope acted liberally

4. german

4.1. paris revolution spread through telegraph

4.2. people fought for free press

4.3. rulers of different german states conceaded to demands

4.4. german confrederate created and creates constitution

5. Italian

5.1. new liberal pope encourages people to be free

5.2. the states who were broken by napoleon unite under nationalism