Windows 10 actual migration process

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Windows 10 actual migration process von Mind Map: Windows 10 actual migration process

1. Backup Data

1.1. backup user profile data

1.1.1. favorites

1.1.2. documents folder

1.1.3. scans folder

1.1.4. C:\ drive items

1.1.5. printers backup local printers take note of network printers

1.1.6. list of applications ask if user has installers and licences for the installed applications.

1.2. use service now to make application requests for needed applications

1.2.1. Adobe CC suite

1.2.2. Adobe Acrobat Pro

1.2.3. any other tools needed

2. Collect computer

2.1. retrieve computer from colleague

2.2. setup system in IT

3. Run SCCM

3.1. run PIXIE

3.2. login to SCCM

3.3. enter computer name

3.4. select domain

3.5. select operating system

3.6. choose additional programs

4. Return computer

4.1. call user to confirm a meetup time

4.2. return system to their office

5. Restore data

5.1. restore user data from H: Drive

5.1.1. favorites

5.1.2. documents

5.1.3. scans folder

5.2. reconnect printers

5.3. bit locker activation

6. Install programs

6.1. install applications

6.1.1. if Adobe Acrobat pro was previously requested install app from DeVry software center.

6.1.2. install all other applications from the DeVry software center

6.1.3. install other software from their installers

7. Signoff

7.1. get the Colleague to sign off on the completion of this process

8. Backup C: Drive

8.1. run 'app'

8.2. back up data to external drive