Possible topics

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Possible topics von Mind Map: Possible topics

1. Symmetry index on existing patient data

1.1. Healthy vs kneeartroplasty

1.1.1. using data MOCAP

1.1.2. during functional tests

1.2. MOCAP vs IMU vs Functional data

1.3. Data

1.3.1. 7 healthy vs 15 patients extend healthy data find age matched groups

2. Symmetry index in signal data IMU

2.1. extract IMU features

2.2. symmetry index applied onIMU angles vs MOCAP angles

3. Symmetry index as a measure for fallrisk in knee patients

3.1. Can fallrisk be estimated using symmetry index?

4. Symmetry index using muscle force and range of motion

4.1. Correlation symmetry in muscle force / range of motion vs symmetry in gait