Story-boarding for Courtney's Bookshelf

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Story-boarding for Courtney's Bookshelf von Mind Map: Story-boarding for Courtney's Bookshelf

1. blog page

1.1. talk about how this page is for updates about what I'm reading and what I'm up to. It won't have to be about book related stuff, but 95% of it would be.

2. Reads page

2.1. This page will be dedicated to book reviews and what I've been reading.

3. Top authors page

3.1. Talk about how this page is just for favorite authors and their best books

4. Movie vs. book page

4.1. Talk about how this page is comparing books to their movies and which was better.

5. Intro

5.1. Talk about what your website is, and why you created it

5.1.1. highlight the different tabs you've created for your website

6. about page

6.1. talk about who you are, why you decided to do your website on books, and how you wrote book reviews and many other articles for newspaper in high school

7. Contact page

7.1. briefly mention that this is where viewers will be able to get in contact with you if they have any questions/requests for reviews