Hunger in LDC's

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Hunger in LDC's von Mind Map: Hunger in LDC's

1. food mart

1.1. local stores as well as distribution centers to ship food on online orders

1.1.1. lower quality brands funded by government (similar to food stamps)

2. foodmart app

2.1. allows you to shop online to save

2.1.1. most people have cell phones leader of house/village can contact if need be

3. culture

3.1. certain cultures make it harder to get a job and make money (freedom fighters)

3.2. societies

4. lack of government help

4.1. in LDC's chaos is prevalent and government does not have power

4.1.1. possible UN help

5. helplessness

6. anger

6.1. frustration

7. caste system

8. African villages

9. power struggle

9.1. authoritarian leadership

10. revenue

10.1. illegal vs legal

11. unawareness

11.1. create bills

11.1.1. create commercials social media spread word

12. scared to give support

12.1. not enough people supporting

12.1.1. celebrities WHO RED CROSS

13. money

13.1. job difficulties

13.2. race, culture affects oppourtunuties

13.2.1. crime in order to get money leads to getting caught and a history of arrest makes an endless circle

14. minority prejudice

14.1. racism

14.1.1. unfair job employment

14.2. unfair stereotype

15. Born into

15.1. difficult to get out

15.1.1. high crime rate

15.2. single parent families

15.2.1. government restrictions