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Jihad in islam von Mind Map: Jihad in islam

1. The goal of jihad is not to force non-Muslim to become Muslim, but more likely to expand and defend the religions freedom.

2. Jihad is not only military act, jihad can be also refer to study, when you study overseas that can be counted as jihad.

3. jihad in war does not allow to kill children, woman, old people, and uncapable people

4. Objective of jihad

4.1. develop a society based on shariah

4.2. ensure the justice for all the people

4.3. ensure the people are easy to practice Islamic lifestyle

5. Jihad is fard khifayah. Fard khifayah means individual duty, a tasks every Muslim is required to perform

6. Jihad is something you do to that spreads Islam throughout the world

7. Jihad is fighting in the name of Allah. Jihad is to fight against nafs, evil, and preventing people with bad action