Career Path #2

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Career Path #2 von Mind Map: Career Path #2

1. A career I've chosen to have in the future was to a multimedia artist/animator.

2. Internship Opportunities: Funimation Company, and Off the Front Productions

2.1. Funimation: Funimation is an American entertainment, used for anime watching based on Flower Mound, Texas. It shows many types of anime's, based on Japanese language more than English.

2.2. Off the Front Productions: OTFP is where you can create a video, to become an effective storytelling video project. Often creating a concept development, creating a storyboard, editing, animation, motion graphics and more.

3. 3 possible research topics:

3.1. Violence In Cartoons/Animation: In many motion graphics, due to television or video games, and more, some cartoons and animation have some violent graphics in visual.

3.1.1. Tokyo Ghoul: This is a dark fantasy manga, also to be made into a television series. Kaneki Ken, who is a bookworm college student who meets a girl and decides to have lunch with her. He walks her home at night, tending to dark and frightening, but little does he know she is a ghoul. He was almost killed in an attack and turn's to half-human, half-ghoul. He now suffers through lots of depression and feeling severely deranged. Now his adventures go on with eating now on human flesh and surviving. Naruto Shippuden: This is another anime with mostly about the main character who is a ninja, Naruto Uzamaki, who's developed skills, and respect, also looking for approval to become a hokage, which is to be a village's leader. He goes on adventures, going through battles, and lots of fights, and fighting and protecting his village. Bleach: This anime where the main character, Ichigo Kurosaki, who was born with a gift, to have the ability to see ghosts. From this point, his family is attacked by Hollow, a malevolent lost soul, Ichigo turns into a soul reaper. He now dedicates his life tp protect people, helping tortured spirits find peace.

3.2. Anime vs American Animation: Culture wise, anime and american animation tend to have a different feeling, either it can be the type of animation they drew, motion graphics, or even dialect.

3.2.1. Similarities: Some similarities between anime and western cartoons would be about dialect. Not all things they talk about can be compared the same, but it can be about two characters can have a dialogue. Or just some visual characteristics, even if there are some differences, but with facial expression and all, They do make more of a human-like appearances on the character's face. Such as to comparing some things to reality. Differences: As to Japanese anime, and cartoons, anime's are more limited to animation, but more visually distinct features. Such as larger eyes, and a smaller mouth. As to cartoons, characteristics of them have features that do not relate to the rest of their body, further from reality than anime. Another difference would be the length of the episode/show. Japan, where anime was originally created makes their episodes about 22-25minutes, as to cartoon, originated in America, has a length varying to about 5minutes to an hour. As to the theme of the storyline Culture/Environment: Anime would be set in a different environment as well american cartoons. Anime's for example, whether scene's are set in school, The difference are students usually wear uniforms to school as a proper dress, code as to reading right to left. As for american cartoons, it gives off a very expressive and lots of a sarcastic feeling. Not that it doesn't apply to anime, but american culture and our environment gives off a very expressive feeling.

3.3. Non Appropriate Humor: Some television shows, or in video games, or movies, may have some type of adult humor, that can be sometimes not appropriate for kids.

3.3.1. Rated for genre (age(s)): Sometimes even kid shows, such as "Spongebob Squarepants" s a kids show on Nickelodeon, that sometime can have adult humor, that not many kids understand. Adult Humor: It's alright to have adult humor to be put into video games, or while doing motion graphics, in animation. Or even while in a television show, where people are communicating. Adult Humor, of course isn't illegal, to not put it into anything. But there is sometimes where we'd have to be careful of our surroundings and children. Kids' Understanding: For children or for kids, sometimes we whether take it serious enough if having adult humor in some cartoons, are appropriate or not. For example, my mom would be cautious of me for not wanting to watch Loony Tunes, since it would have violent scenes, not too extreme.

4. These are the specifics about this career. Information that is needed to know about my career I've chosen.

4.1. Education: Bachelor's Degree

4.2. Hours: 9-5 (8hrs)

4.3. Salary: $63,970 a year

4.4. Experience Needed: Education in computer graphics, and art

4.5. Specific Details: Visual effects, television, video games, and other medias.

5. Interests I have about this career path:

5.1. Several reasons why this interests me are because one, I have lots of interests to designs and/or creativity towards to visual arts. Another reason why is because overall, I have love interests for doing art myself. Not specifically animation, but I overall like to draw, sketch and create. Lastly, I would like to show my creativity, while I am given this opportunity to work around the art field.

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