My New Mind Map

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My New Mind Map von Mind Map: My New Mind Map

1. Baseball was found by a man known by Cartwright, the first game ever was in 1846 Cartwright's knickerbockers lost to the New York club at the Elysian fields in Hoboken , New Jersey.

1.1. In 1903 the foul strike was adopted by the American League, Also in 1895 bats were permitted to be 2 ¾ inches in diameter also the infield fly was also adopted.

2. These three sports are the main sports most Americans watch daily and are important to them because they have passion for their team but also important to business people when it comes to gambling.

3. soccer was found over 2000 years ago in china but it was England who transitioned it.

3.1. The first ever soccer match that was played professionally was in barren common at Mort-lake, London in December 19th 1863

3.1.1. The penalty Kick was introduced in soccer in 1891 and was originally called the "Kick of Death" which increased the competition also the offside law began which gave the attacking team a advantage because if the attacker was in line with the penultimate defender and he is now onside. The rules have changed since over time in 1922 by banning goalkeepers from handling deliberate back-passes. In 1998 the fierce tackle from behind became a red card offense.

4. Football was originally found by a rugby player from Yale, Walter camp, pioneered rules changed that slowly which transformed rugby into a new game of American football.

4.1. When football originally started and they had their first professional college game in 1869 there was no equipment or headgear it was more like a game of rugby. In 1893 the U.S Navy introduced the helmet in the Annapolis game. In the 1980's efficient body pads were introduced which gave a player a more athletic look.

4.1.1. The penalty kick was introduced in 1891 but the penalty spot didn't arrive until 1902. You can also receive a penalty for not giving a kick receiver enough room.