Nuclear Energy

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Nuclear Energy von Mind Map: Nuclear Energy

1. 07-The Soviet bomb

1.1. They start the project in 1942

1.2. the defeat of Nazi Germany

1.2.1. German scientists were "recruited"

1.3. Continuous work in several cities

1.4. First bomb RSD-1 tested in 1949

1.5. Some scientist begun work on hydrogen bomb.

2. 08-Revival of the 'nuclear boiler'

2.1. After WWII the focus turned to peaceful and new applications.

2.1.1. Electrecity The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity established in USA at 1951 In USSR it was at 1954

2.1.2. Naval

2.1.3. Submarines

2.2. It happened lots of developments in the technology since 1945 to 2003

3. 09-Nuclear energy goes commercial

4. 10-The nuclear power brown-out

5. 11-Nuclear revival

5.1. New factors engaged in the technology

5.2. Other countries joined as China, India, South Korea

6. The American stopped the collaboration with the British after a while

7. 01-Exploring the nature of the atom

7.1. Multiple Scientist engaged

7.1.1. Martin Klaproth

7.1.2. Wilhelm Rontgen

7.1.3. Ernest Rutherford

7.1.4. Albert Einstein

7.2. Multiple Materials used

7.2.1. Uranium

7.2.2. Radium

7.3. Multiple Discovered things

7.3.1. X-rays

7.3.2. beta radiation

7.3.3. alpha particles

7.3.4. gamma rays

8. 02-Harnessing nuclear fission

8.1. self-sustaining chain reaction

8.2. enrichment

8.2.1. increasing in the proportion of the U-235 isotope

8.3. fission/atomic bomb

8.4. introducing neutron-absorbing material

8.5. German fail, American and British made Atomic bomb

9. 03-Nuclear physics in Russia

9.1. Started about 1900

9.2. Russian Scientists studied abroad

9.3. Make good scientific development before WWII

9.4. then tho research turned into military

10. 04-Conceiving the atomic bomb

10.1. Frisch-Peierls Memorandum

10.2. Making 3kg of pure uranum

10.3. many discovered things leads to

10.3.1. neptunium #93

10.3.2. plutonium #94

10.4. All was collaborative work between U.S.A and GB

11. 05-Developing the concepts

11.1. Use of Uranium for a Bomb

11.1.1. 12 kg of active material would be equivalent to 1,800 tons of TNT

11.2. Use of Uranium as a Source of Power

11.3. 5 million per day to produce 1kg of U-235

11.4. Scientists moves from GB to U.S,A

11.5. The bomb making decision was BY Prime Minister, Winston Churchill

12. 06-The Manhattan Project

12.1. The British continued alone

12.2. After while, they work together again

12.3. huge and high cost work leads to

12.3.1. Alamagordo

12.3.2. Hiroshima BOMB

12.3.3. Nagasaki BOMB Next day, the Japanese government surrendered.