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bullying von Mind Map: bullying

1. coping/loss

1.1. family members

1.1.1. family members gone to prison or committed suicide and being bulling and accused of doing the same thing.

1.1.2. family members push you away when losing a friend that you care about.

1.2. friends

1.2.1. judging/bulling you about family problems you have

1.2.2. they have your back when family turns against you.

2. friendship

2.1. no friends to aid you

2.1.1. leads to depression

2.1.2. leads to injuries and trust issues

2.2. friends who turn on you

2.2.1. leads to depression

2.2.2. leads to trust issues

2.3. having no friends at all

2.3.1. leads to depression

2.3.2. leads to suicude

3. reason

3.1. race

3.1.1. you getting bullied by the colour of your skin which you have no control on

3.1.2. bullied by the colour of your skin

3.2. issue/disorder

3.2.1. you getting bullied for having issues you cant control, eg autism.

3.2.2. something that puts you down against others

3.3. revenge

3.3.1. people giving you revenge for things you did in the past

3.3.2. acting on payback

4. types

4.1. cyber bulling

4.1.1. getting harassed online through social medias and such

4.1.2. could be sexual or violet threats

4.2. physical

4.2.1. getting harassed with hits/punches/touches

4.2.2. could be sexual or violent threats

4.3. verbal

4.3.1. getting harassed in words

4.3.2. could be in sexual or violent threats

5. depression

5.1. drugs

5.1.1. leads to unstable thinking

5.1.2. can lead to an uncalled death

5.2. suicide

5.2.1. causes grief for close people

5.2.2. causes a feel of guilt for bully

5.3. being alone

5.3.1. causes difficulty at making new friends.

5.3.2. causes trust issues

6. prevent

6.1. avoiding

6.1.1. going around the people who bully you

6.1.2. trying to gain strength or trying to lose the reason people bully you

6.2. chats

6.2.1. talk about your problems with an adult

6.2.2. talk about ways to avoid your problems

6.3. confront

6.3.1. confront the bully in front of a parent

6.3.2. confront the bully alone to settle things

7. where

7.1. at home

7.1.1. being bullied by family

7.1.2. treated badly by people you care about

7.2. school

7.2.1. being bullied by kids at school

7.2.2. treated badly by kids your age

7.3. clubs

7.3.1. being bullied by people in a more public area

7.3.2. treated badly by people of same intrests