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InvokeDSC von Mind Map: InvokeDSC

1. ConfigureEnvironment

1.1. Continuous Integration Pipeline

1.1.1. lint testng

1.1.2. integration testing

1.2. Examine existing Provision projects

1.3. Discover WindowsFirewall Rules

2. Module Improvements

2.1. Invoke-DscConfiguration Sequence

2.2. Automate PSGallery Publishing

2.3. Add module versions support

2.4. Add Write-Output Switch on InvokeDSC cmdlets

2.5. AuthenticationInfo not an array #6

3. Software Management

3.1. Chocolaty

3.2. Golden Images \ VMware templates

3.3. Octopus Projects for installs

3.4. nuget with PS installer

4. Unknows

4.1. How to handle credentials securely?

4.2. How to transform values with Octopus variables?

4.3. Github Contribution workflow

5. Application Provisioning

5.1. Convert provision projects to JSON

5.2. Include JSON with application code

5.3. Update code projects to include Invoke-DscConfiguration step

5.4. Remove \ Disable Provision Projects

6. Limitations

6.1. Cannot use Composite Resources

6.2. No intelisense

6.3. unable to declare module versions

6.4. PSv5 required

6.5. no PS logic inside configuration files

7. Architecture Decisions

7.1. Transform Octopus Variables

7.2. Software Management

7.2.1. nuget w PS installers

7.3. Keep Open Source