Technology in education

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Technology in education von Mind Map: Technology in education

1. 21st Century students crave being involved in what they are learning!

2. make things relevant to students

2.1. teach students where they are

2.2. what do they care about

2.3. who are they as people?

3. give students what they need to be successful in society

4. cross-curriculum

5. what's new?

5.1. Virtual Learning

5.1.1. Virtual Science Labs

5.1.2. Augmented Reality

5.2. Interactive Wipeboards

5.2.1. Smartboards

5.2.2. MimioClassroom Lots of apps

5.3. Makerspace

5.3.1. 3d printing

5.3.2. google cardboard

5.3.3. digital design engineering