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Justice von Mind Map: Justice

1. Robert Nozick

1.1. Libertarian, Distributive Justice

1.2. Entitlement Theory

1.2.1. Principle of Aquisition

1.2.2. Principle of Transfer

1.2.3. Principle of Rectification

1.3. Starting Point: Autonomy of Individual and Natural Rights

1.4. Conclusion: Minimal State- No taxes

2. John Rawls

2.1. Social Liberal Theory

2.2. Hypothetical Social Contract; Veil of Ignorance

2.3. Principles

2.3.1. Equality

2.3.2. Difference

2.4. Entitlement= Right> Good

3. Aristotle/ MacIntyre

3.1. Human purpose: Eudaimonia

3.1.1. Society' purpose: Lead humans to Eudaimonia (bc desert)

3.2. Distributive Justice

4. Distributive- Division of good in society

4.1. What/ Among who/ On What basis?

4.1.1. What- Income, wealth, welfare, utility

4.1.2. Among- Individual, groups, classes

4.1.3. Basis- Equality, Personal Characteristics, Free transactions

4.2. Strict Egalitarianism, Utilitarianism

4.3. Equality of Opportunity- Libertarian

4.4. Desert based

4.4.1. Desert (morally)

4.4.2. Entitlement (legal rules)

5. Retributive- Remedy past wrongs via punishment

6. Utilitarianism

6.1. Definition

6.1.1. Consequentialism- Act irrelevant, worth based on consequences

6.1.2. Value Monism- 1 single value utility= happiness

6.2. Bentham

6.2.1. Utilitarian theory of punishment Cost benefit analysis, harm higher than benefit

6.2.2. Rational choice theory People are rational, will do cost/benefit analysis

6.2.3. Retributivism Desert

6.3. Sophisticated

6.3.1. More intermediate goals, eg crime prevention

6.3.2. Cost benefit analysis thought out

6.3.3. Punish innocents (Rawls) Justification of the practice of punishing Justification of individual cases of punishing