Assessing and Teaching Spelling

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Assessing and Teaching Spelling von Mind Map: Assessing and Teaching Spelling

1. Rule Based Instruction

1.1. Should only be taught when it applies to a large number of words

1.2. Linguist

1.3. Linguistic Approach

1.3.1. Based on the whole word and their particular linguistic pattern

1.4. Phonics Approach

1.4.1. Spell words according to syllables within the words

2. Test - Study - Test Technique

2.1. Test - Study - Test - Approach

2.1.1. Pretest given at the beginning of each unit of study The new study list will be the words that the student misspells on the pretest

2.2. Study - Test Plan

2.2.1. No pre-test Study list consists of all words in unit study

2.3. Test - Study - Test - Approach may yield higher results

2.3.1. Less words to study

3. Multi-linguistic Approach

3.1. Works with the specific weakness of the student

3.2. Phonemic

3.3. Orthographic

3.4. Morphological Knowledge

4. Multi-sensory Approach

4.1. Visual, auditory, motor sensory modalities

4.2. Fernald's Multi-sensory Approach

4.3. Gillingham Method

4.4. Kearney and Drabman

4.5. Cover and Wright Method