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vocabularies-Arahuaco-Quechua-Guarani von Mind Map: vocabularies-Arahuaco-Quechua-Guarani

1. Cristóbal Colón'

2. CANAO, first word entered the Spanish language from the native Arahucao Language= Colombo's Diaries

3. Huracán= Hurricane

4. Hamaca=hammock swing

5. Chocolate

6. Cacao=cocoa

7. Jaguar

8. Aguacate = Avocado

9. Condor

10. This process of word transfer from native language to Spanish has been started since the Spanish invasion in 1492

11. South America

12. maiz = Corn

13. Puma=mountain lions

14. Coca=Coca

15. Papa= Potato

16. Chicle=gum

17. Tomate