Bloom's Taxonomy Mind Map Anabelle Marty

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Bloom's Taxonomy Mind Map Anabelle Marty von Mind Map: Bloom's Taxonomy Mind Map Anabelle Marty

1. Applying

1.1. After generating a pool of related terminology and more profound explanations of concepts on "Creately," students can use "Popplet" to draw overarching connections between -- what seem to be -- disparate categories of information.

2. Analyzing

2.1. As I transition from teaching English-Language Arts to teaching Math, I anticipate the heightened use my students can make with "Create A Graph." Specifically, such a kid-friendly web application can be of great use when my students grapple with higher-order computational skills, such as those they will encounter on end-of-unit and end-of-year assessments.

3. Creating

3.1. Because my students would be familiar with creating digital maps and diagrams through their exploration of "Creately" and "Popplet," "Prezi" will offer them the opportunity to integrate various web-based mediums into a culminating presentation.

4. Remembering

4.1. Students between the first and fifth grades can engage with "CarrotSticks," an interactive and dynamic web application for them to practice their computational skills. Furthermore, students can compete for the highest number of points ["carrots"] with global counterparts.

5. Understanding

5.1. Students can explore the web application "Creately," specifically the "K-12 Education Templates," to cement their comprehension of a wide array of concepts, across both Math and English-Language Arts courses. Students' construction of webs will encourage them to dissect complex topics by highlighting details that should not go unmentioned, and deepen their understanding and familiarity with chosen concepts.

6. Evaluating

6.1. To evaluate one another's assignments and provide peers with fruitful feedback, students may be paired with a group of about four to five students on the "Google Hangouts" web platform. "Google Hangouts" can be beneficial not only for students to cross-collaborate, but for their parents/guardians to integrate and familiarize themselves with what their child is working on for school.