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football von Mind Map: football

1. Injuries

1.1. Concussions

1.1.1. Should specific Helmets be required?

1.1.2. If football continues, who pays for helmets that are safe

1.1.3. Should the state have a say in the equipment required for a teams Why?

2. Age limit

2.1. When do kids start?

2.1.1. Is this age too young? What age should be required to start football

2.1.2. I recieved my first concussion when i was in fourth grade Should specific testimonies aid the decision for when to allow kids to play? Are all situations too different to allow certain people help make that big choice?

2.1.3. Should we use brain development to determine what age? What age?

3. Money

3.1. Should students be paid to play?

3.1.1. How much?

3.2. Should Proffesionals be paid?

3.3. Does money affect performance

3.3.1. Do players make more money based on illegal contact?