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music von Mind Map: music

1. songs that we like

1.1. why

1.1.1. instruments

1.1.2. genre

2. lesser known bands that we recommend

2.1. bands/ songs that we recommend

3. opinions

3.1. unpopular

3.2. metal/rock

3.3. pop music

4. current music that we like

5. favourite bands and genres

5.1. why we like them

6. musical people we like

7. personal musical experience

7.1. do we play?

7.2. bands that we/ friends were/are in

8. concerts

8.1. ones we have been to

8.2. ones we want to go to

9. bands we like

9.1. bands that we have liked for a long time

9.1.1. why lyrics? genre

10. music in other

10.1. film

10.2. games