Define the Problem Consider the decision you are facing and state the issue clearly. Is it import...

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Define the Problem Consider the decision you are facing and state the issue clearly. Is it important enough to warrant using DECIDE? von Mind Map: Define the Problem Consider the decision you are facing and state the issue clearly. Is it important enough to warrant using DECIDE?

1. Next, Identify you're values and see what your values change what decision you will make

1.1. Christian (Religion)

1.1.1. No lies and always speak the truth to others Most likely not choose to lie about it and choose the option to tell my friend the truth and suffer the consequences

2. Explore the results of your decision - has this provided the most positive outcome to your scenario, how does it contribute to achieving optimal wellness in the dimensions you identified at the start?

2.1. Decisions:

2.1.1. Confront him and apologize

2.1.2. Lie about it

2.1.3. Try to fix it yourself

3. After thinking about this, now you can decide what to do and then, of course, do it

3.1. Since I am Christian, and I believe that it's not worth lying about something and making it worse, I'd probably make the decision of talking to him 1-on-1 face to face, that way there is no confusion, and it's straight to the point.

4. In the next stage, you need to Consider every Consequence for each alternative you have listed in the previous step. REMEMBER a consequence could be both positive and negative!

4.1. Confront & Apologize

4.1.1. If I apologise, he will understand me, but may not talk to me for some time since i broke one of his possessions

4.2. Lie about it

4.2.1. If i lie, he won't know that I broke it, but he will get very specticle about it and I will feel guilty

4.3. Try to fix it myself

4.3.1. If I try to fix it myself, then I am able to show I am a really responsible person, but it would take some time and my friend would be spectacle about what is going on.

5. You borrow someone’s device (Smart Phone, Laptop etc) from a friend and accidentally break it.

6. When Exploring alternatives come up with every possible act you could do in the scenario