Define the problem: Someone begins bullying you in front of other peers. This affects my emotiona...

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Define the problem: Someone begins bullying you in front of other peers. This affects my emotional, mental, and social health. von Mind Map: Define the problem: Someone begins bullying you in front of other peers. This affects my emotional, mental, and social health.

1. Explore the Alternatives

1.1. Go and ask your peers for help

1.2. Tell a teacher

1.3. Stand up for yourself

1.4. Let them keep bullying you (DO NOT RECOMMEND)

2. Consider the Consequences

2.1. The bully continues bullying you

2.2. The bully stops bullying you

2.3. Peers make fun of you for being bullied

3. Identify your Values

3.1. Standing up for yourself, because then you develop confidence and strength

3.2. Ask peers for help, because then you learn to ask for help instead of struggling in silence

4. Decide and Act

4.1. Standing up for myself, so I learn how to deal with situations like this (if they ever happen again) on my own

5. Evaluate the Results

5.1. The bully(s) will end up stop bullying me, and my mental, emotional AND social wellness is restored.

5.2. The bully(s) learn from their mistakes