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Alabama von Mind Map: Alabama

1. albama is the red dot

2. Alabama's flag

3. fun fact

3.1. alabama is also nicknamed the yellowhammer

4. state number

4.1. if im not korrekt tell me i have seach after it and i get number 21

5. 7 things you did not know about alabama

5.1. State Flower: Camelia

5.2. State Insect: Monarch Butterfly

5.3. State Salt Water Fish: Tarpon

5.4. State Horse: Racking

5.5. State Bird: Yellowhammer

5.6. State Nut: Pecan

5.7. State Rock: Marble

6. old Histurys

6.1. founded by French colonists in 1702 as the capital of French Louisiana.[10] From the American Civil War until World War II,