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The Problem Tree von Mind Map: The Problem Tree

1. Modelization of the Reality: Colegio Tercer Milenio

1.1. problems

1.2. bad behavior

1.2.1. lack of interest lack of commitment of parents non-flexible methodologies

1.3. causes

1.3.1. inability of students to handle frustration few opportunities to practice what is learned. low self-esteem

2. Central Problem

2.1. students do not know how to deal with frustration and anxiety, for this reason motivation and learning about a second language are adversely affected.

2.2. Effects

2.2.1. students give up very easily to learn a second language, because they think it is very complicated for them. students develop a prevention and predisposition when acquiring a second language. the fact that they do not manage another language can limit the possibilities of study and work that they have in the long-term future.