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Stop littering von Mind Map: Stop littering

1. Convince people

1.1. Tell people that is not good

1.1.1. it is important for people to Know so everyone is healthy

1.2. It causes global warming

1.3. It will poison living things

2. Make all type of ads.

2.1. Personal Comunication

2.2. Make ads by TV

2.2.1. All this will help because that way you don't have to worry to earth being non-healthy.

2.3. Put flyers in stores and streets

3. Set a example

3.1. You should stop littering

3.2. Tell other people to give advice

3.2.1. You can tell Family, friends or even strangers

4. Bad impact

4.1. We will probably be poisoned

4.2. Earth will not be healthy at all

4.2.1. It will make us die