How might we create a way for our staff to give consistent and effective feedback to our new empl...

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How might we create a way for our staff to give consistent and effective feedback to our new employees and students? von Mind Map: How might we create a way for our staff to give consistent and effective feedback to our new employees and students?

1. Examples of what happens when feedback is not given or not given effectively

2. Educational videos focusing on importance

3. Find out why they are not giving feedback--

3.1. make a list of whys,

4. Train by using simulation so they can practice in real-life

5. Create a simulation or role-playing to help them understand the difference between effective and not effective feedback

6. Give examples of how we can find time or make time- ie. email, walk and chat, lunchtime, way-to-go board,

7. Create a mentoring program to get different generations to mentor each other about different things not work related. Building relationships

8. Educational videos focusing on importance

9. Share survey results showing how many missed opportunities

10. Have pro-active learner--ask for feedback and set their own goals

11. Make it a competition

12. Offer incentives to those giving feedback-- sounding board or boasting board

13. Create a guide or form that helps with giving feedback

14. Use a form to guide them through the feedback process--which will also include giving the learner some goals or actions to improve.

15. Develop a training program to teach others on the importance of feedback using e-learning program this will cover a larger audience

16. Hang posters of encouragment

17. Bribe them with food!