Improve your visual thinking skills: 3 Games To Play Anywhere

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Improve your visual thinking skills: 3 Games To Play Anywhere von Mind Map: Improve your visual thinking skills: 3 Games To Play Anywhere

1. Weird Shapes

1.1. Close your eyes

1.2. Move your pencil along the paper to create a squiggly line or a shape that make no sense

1.3. Open eyes and look at the drawing

1.4. What does it look like?

1.5. Add more lines and shapes to it to make it look more like the object it already resembles

2. Google-a-pic

2.1. Pick a random word

2.2. Google it (switch to image search)

2.3. Adding a word 'cartoon' sometimes helps

2.4. Draw it!

2.5. It doesn't have to be an exact copy!

2.6. Simplify and make it your own

3. New node

4. Random Sketch

4.1. Good to play with a partner

4.2. Pick a random word

4.3. Draw it!

4.4. Go for speed, not perfection