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Neoplasia par Mind Map: Neoplasia

1. spreading

1.1. lymphatic

1.2. haematogenous

1.3. along body cavities

1.4. perineural

1.5. intra-epithelial

2. properties of cancer cell

2.1. autonomous growth

2.1.1. growth factors

2.1.2. GF receptors

2.1.3. signal transduction

2.1.4. nuclear trasncription

2.1.5. regulatory proteins

2.2. insensitivity to growth inhibitory signals

2.2.1. retinoblastoma

2.2.2. P53 gene

2.2.3. APC

2.3. escaping from apoptosis

2.4. overcoming cellular aging

2.5. sustained angiiogenesis

2.6. ability to invade and metastasize

2.7. DNA damage and repair system

2.8. progression and heterogeneity

2.9. multistep carcinoma

2.10. microRNAs in cancer

3. effect on host

3.1. local

3.1.1. compression

3.1.2. mechanical

3.1.3. infarction

3.1.4. ulceration

3.1.5. haemorrhage

3.1.6. tissue destruction

3.2. hormone production

3.3. fever

3.4. cancer cachexia

3.5. paraneoplastic syndrome

4. laboratory diagnosis

4.1. morphologic

4.1.1. histologic and cytologic

4.1.2. immunohistochemistry

4.1.3. flow cytometery

4.2. biochemical assays

4.3. molecular profiling of tumors

5. criteria of malignancy

5.1. Loss of polarity

5.2. pleomorphism

5.3. N:C RATIO 1:1

5.4. Anisonucleosis

5.5. hyperchromatism

5.6. nucleolar changes

5.7. mitotic figures

5.7.1. tripolar

5.7.2. quadripolar

5.7.3. multipolar

5.8. tumer giant cells

5.9. functional changes

5.10. chromosomal abnormalities