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Navy Seal par Mind Map: Navy Seal

1. 4) Systems, process, and discipline equals freedom

1.1. Create a daily routine. Create systems and processes in your life so that you can get things done faster and more efficiently.

2. 5) The 4 keys to extreme mental toughness

2.1. I) Set bite-sized mental goals

2.2. II) Use the power of visualization

2.3. III) Master your self-talk

2.4. 4) Arousal control

3. 6) The 3 components of resilience

3.1. Purpose

3.2. Teamwork

3.3. Challenge

4. 7) The 40% rule

5. 1) You're responsible for absolutely everything

6. 2) He who has a why to live can bear almost any how

7. 3) Create a mental trigger to get through the direst situations