What makes a Good Student Video?

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What makes a Good Student Video? par Mind Map: What makes a Good Student Video?

1. Editing: This helps create a good student video as it allows the music video to come to life and appear visual for an audience. The editing also needs to compliment the genre, for example: A pop genre will have rapid editing to ensure that the cuts are in time with the music.

2. Uniqueness/Range of Ideas.

3. Eye catching locations that relate to the chosen genre. For example a pop song should feature fun and bright locations that can incorporate a colourful and urban feel.

4. Performance. The performance of the artist needs to relate to the genre whether it is Pop, Rap or R&B the nature of the performance is what translates the level of believablility to an audience.

5. A variety of shots: When filming a music video it is important to consider and include a range of shots. For example: Establishing shots will help the audience understand the location linked to genre whilst a close up will help sell the music as the viewer will feel they are connected to the artist and relate to the star image. A range of shots also keeps the video engaging and interesting to watch rather than repeating similar frames.

6. A narrative or slight storyline: Although this is not essential to create a good student video this concept can help when linking the music video and appealing to an audience. A key technique that is simplistic and will help a narrative form is adding it at the beginning and end of the video. For example a previous students work showed girls bored in a school detention and as a result they dreamed of going to a fun location.

7. Focus on the star/artist. This is important as it is the entire focus of your media product.

8. Lip-syncing- It is essential for any music video that this is in time as it needs to be believable for any audience who is watching the music video.

9. Range of Angles.