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London par Mind Map: London

1. how can we move around?

1.1. taxi

1.2. bus

1.3. underground

1.4. ...

2. what, where and when can we eat?

2.1. types of restaurants,fast food,...

2.2. what ( typical food, cheap food,...)

2.3. breakfast

2.4. brunch ?

2.5. ...

2.6. times

2.7. usual lunch, dinner, breakfast

3. what should we know?

3.1. ...

3.2. weather

3.3. time

3.4. location of the hotel,...

3.5. curiosities

3.6. culture

3.7. souvenirs

4. what do we have to take with us?

4.1. clothes (weather)

4.2. tickets( plane, hotel,...)

4.3. GPS in the smartphone

4.4. map

4.5. money ( change)

4.6. ...

5. what can we do in London?

5.1. activities

5.2. visits ( tourist attractions)

5.3. guided tous

5.4. ...