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Autumn par Mind Map: Autumn

1. About Me

1.1. Description of my education and why I am passionate about ASL.

1.1.1. Digital Video, Photo, Social Media

2. Resource

2.1. List of References and additonal resources.

2.1.1. URLS, Videos, Photos, Screen Cast

3. Deaf Culture

3.1. Brief history of Deaf Culture, how ASL developed, and more.

3.1.1. Video, photos

4. Our Mission

4.1. Discuss my personal mission to spread awareness of Deaf Culture and sign language.

4.1.1. Photos, videos

5. Visual Dictionary

5.1. Contain a visual dictionary of common signs.

5.1.1. Photos

6. ASL Education Advocacy

6.1. Description of what ASL education encompasses, why it is important, and how others can promote it

6.1.1. Videos, infographic